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Information Tecnology Services

User accounts and more (email, printing, computer rooms, ..)

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Incoming exchange students enrolled in regular courses (like Erasmus students) get the full range of services as students. It includes a UNICAN Account (username/password) and a student’s mailbox. As a student you must get your user account and regularly consult your UNICAN ( mailbox.

As an incoming student we recomend you to 
visit our website in Spanish for detailed information. This page offers just an abstact.

Long term visiting faculty (paid by the University of Cantabria) also get the full range of services as faculty members. 

Short term visiting faculty, staff and students (such Language Center (CIUC) summer students), are not eligible for a regular UNICAN Account, but they can get other services such Wifi.

How to get your UNICAN Account as a regular student 

You can get your UNICAN account using your alternative email address. You should have provided an alternative email address (like a personal address) during your enrollment. With your alternative email address and your ID Card number (usually your passport number or whatever you have provided as ID during the enrollment process) you can get your unican account details.

Please follow the procedure here (after you have completed your enrollment process) to get your UNICAN account and email.
Remember that your password must be at least 8 characters long and must meet some complexity requirements (it must have, at least, Uppercase and Lowercase characters and digits).

Besides, you should get your student's card (called TUI) at the beginning of the term. The student's card is now fully electronic, you get it in your smartphone with the App UC. 
​Together with your UNICAN account, your Student ID Card (TUI) is the identification you need to access the university services (IT Services, Library, student discounts,  ..)

Please don't confuse your (long) email address ( with your username ( xyz123). You will frequently need to login as ( like in many services.
If you find any issue please ask the International Relations Office.

Access your student’s email and more

Once you have your UNICAN user account, you can access your student’s email (with 50 GB capacity) from:

With your UNICAN account you can also access your academic record in the student’s portal (Campus Virtual) and the UC's e-learning platform (Aula Virtual). 
There are more services available with your UNICAN account such as a 100GB personal Online Disk, free software, Teams UNICAN  and more.

For further information about our services and instructions about how to configure your smartphone, visit our website in Spanish.

How to access the UNICAN Wifi Network

The Wifi network at the University of Cantabria covers all the buildings and some outdoors areas of the main campus. There are two SSIDs (identifiers): UNICAN-i and Eduroam.

You can get more information about the Wifi network at the UC and how to configure it in these pages. Most exchange students configure and use the Eduroam SSID because it can be used with tablets and smartphones aside from personal computers. 

Remember that with your UNICAN Account you can access the Wi-Fi Network as any regular UNICAN student.

Access to Computer Labs

We have over 1500 PCs for students in our public computer rooms (Salas de Informática), computer teaching labs (Aulas de Informática) and Library facilities. There's at least one computer room on every building that you can at anytime (within the building's openning hours).

In order to use any  public computer, you must identify yourself with your student account. Please always close your session before leaving.

You can get more information here (only available in Spanish)

Access to Applications

The University provides applications to computer labs through an applications portal called Porticada. Porticada is also available from your laptop at the campus or at home.  You can get in your own device the very same application that you use in class. 
With Porticada, you don’t need to install the applications. Instead, apps are virtualized and streamed to your computer.

If you don't have a suitable Windows computer you can still access the applications of Porticada with UNICAN Labs. With UNICAN Labs you only need a modern browser to connect to a full computer where you can launch any application of Porticada.

More information about Porticada (only in Spanish)

More information about UNICAN Labs​ (only in Spanish)

Printing and Copying

For your convenience, almost all the schools and faculties have their own Print and Copy Service. The P&C Services have long opening hours and they are located in the main public areas of the building. 
SIUC (Sistema de Impresión de la Universidad de Cantabria), is the pay-per-use system that allows UNICAN users to print, photocopy and scan from the public/library computers or even their own computers, tablets or smartphones, using public printers and multifunctional devices (print+copy+scan devices). To access this service you will need your UNICAN account.

In order to print or photocopy you will also need to have enough balance in your account at SIUC. You can recharge your account with an online credit card payment beginning with amounts as small as 5€.
You can get more information about SIUC here (only available in spanish)